2003-01-25 09:21:38

Prepare doc for printing on FBSD

翻出幾年前 po 在 386bsd 的文章. 果真是舉頭三尺有 google.

大家對印表似乎也很頭痛, 我把之前搜集的指令公布出來. 先來段公告:

本 post 並不代表一般使用者經驗.

完畢. 首先先安裝 ghostscript, psutil, a2ps.

* ascii file -> postscript file
a2ps -1RB --borders=no -o out_file in_file

* Perl code -> postscript file
a2ps -1Rm --borders=no --margin=40 -Eperl -o out_file in_file

* manpage -> postscript file
man -tps man_page > man_page.ps

* perl doc -> postscript
pod2man in_file | groff -man > out_file

* ps file -> book-print-ready ps file (印成小書)
cat in_file | psbook | psnup -2 > out_file

* postscript 轉成 pdf
gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sOutputFile=out_file in_file

由 plasma 於 2003-01-25 09:21:38 所發表

Hey man, ok I had to send you this site, I ordered a Gold package and these things work amazingly!
For real, I've tried a bunch of other ones but they don't work- these ones are the real deal though.
http://www.nemogs.com - Check out the site for yourself: http://www.nemogs.com

Neerfeilm 於 2008-05-12 04:42:18 所發表
